Feedback for Shaolin Kung Fu School-Main subject: Bagua Zhang Very divert and keen attitude for teaching. Very patient and instructions were very clear, though in Chinese. Translator was good and conveys his message in sincere manner. ...
----- Lessons
Bagua: Just what I need know—the very basic of Baguazhan8 movements of palms. This will keep me going for a long time a part of exercise routine.
Tai chi: As a bonus I had a chance to do some Tai chi every morning and afternoon. I did some Chen Taiji before but stopped for a while. Now back to do it. Thank you Shifu, for the patience in repeating the form for me.
Being winter there are only small numbers of young people from other countries. They are smart and very friendly. They work hard in training and I had a good time being with them. Very helpful in many aspects.
------Other stuff
Ladies are always cheerful and polite in attitude. Sorry I couldn’t talk to them in Chinese.
------Over all
Despite to drain smell in the building I find the heating excellent during the night, Sorry the shower is not powerful. As for Joy, I thank her very much for the all effort to make us happy, safe and comfortable. Thanks to her effort I have been here safe and sound and completed my aim plus#. # being TaiChi 15 forms. The school’s comprehensive website and Joy’s contact via email & whatsapp was the key to my coming here and leaving with satisfaction.
I also thank Annie, the translator, who puts every effort in things to communicate during the class. Without her the lessons would be 50%. Her personality and skill in English language should be praised. Hope she will keep persevering. Thank you to you all in Shaolin Kung Fu School!
Lot’ s of love, Markio
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