Hello. My name is Simon. I am 34 years old. When I arrived in the school, I knew nothing about martial arts and I was in a pretty bad shape. In the very beginning, I thought Kung fu practice was too difficult, not for me. But, in that school, I rapidly learned that I was wrong. I learned patience and perseverance. Humility. Initially, I wanted to stay for 2 months and I am leaving now after 8 months. Stronger than ever. The school has been for me the perfect place to work on myself and overcome some obstacles I had in life. I am so grateful for the time I spent here, for the amazing things I learned. I personallypracticed Wing Chun, Standing meditation, Sanda and Shaolin. I am so glad about the Kung-fu I developed here. Kung-fu is living inside of me now: a new power, a new will and a new joy. I am not sure what I am going to do with it in my life but I am sure it will be something beautiful.
Thank you so much Qufu Shaolin Kung Fu school for that unique and life time experience. For me now, it's just the beginning.