Fourteen months ago, the prospect of studying Kung fu in China was a dream. Since then, I\'ve gone through many big changes in order to be here now, at the end of one month learning Kung fu at Qufu Shaolin Kung Fu School....
Fourteen months ago, the prospect of studying Kung fu in China was a dream. Since then, I've gone through many big changes in order to be here now, at the end of one month learning Kung fu at Qufu Shaolin Kung Fu School.
In the three months before I arrived in Qufu, I had trained hard doing yoga, power training and boxing to ensure that my body was physically prepared. This preparation helped a lot. At the school, I enjoyed learning the different styles from Sifu, who was an excellent teacher and did a great job at correcting technique. My favorite thing to learn was the form and sweeps.
What I wasn't prepared for was what Sifu later described as the "training of the heart". I've always loved martial arts because when I practice I feel like my body and mind are in harmony. I stop thinking about life and instead I'm fully engaged with what I'm doing in the moment. Once Sifu told us to focus on our hearts while we practice, I discovered that I was able to become one with the movements.
But I've also discovered that the training of the heart is something that's important outside of the Kung fu practice. This is especially true at the school, having to live with people from all around the world. I've learnt to open my heart to others and have made great friends in this short amount of time.
This month of training has not only helped me become fitter, but has psychologically prepared me for all the new experiences that await me once I arrive back home. Thank you very much for this life changing opportunity.